Credit System

The PC version uses a credit system to manage video generation.

When Credits Are Deducted

Credits are deducted when either of the following processes are executed:

  1. When text is synthesized into speech
  2. When speech is converted into text
When Synthesizing Text to Speech

When you enter a script via text input and press the preview play button at the bottom left of the main editing screen, the text-to-speech synthesis (the process of creating speech from text) occurs. Credits are deducted based on the duration of the generated speech at this time.

How Credits Are Calculated

For 1 minute of speech synthesis, 1 credit is deducted. For example, for 6 seconds of speech synthesis, 0.1 credits are deducted.

When Re-synthesis Occurs

Once generated, the speech data is saved, so credits are not deducted the next time you press the preview button. However, credits are deducted again if re-synthesis occurs in the following situations:

  • When the script text is changed
  • When the avatar is changed
  • When the voice is changed to another voice
  • When pitch, volume, speed, etc., of the speech are changed
When Converting Speech to Text

Users subscribed to the Standard Plan or higher can use a feature where their own voice or audio data (MP3 file) can be directly spoken by the avatar. When you send audio data via voice input, credits are deducted based on the duration of the generated audio. For example, for 1 minute of audio, 1 credit is deducted.

If You Want to Add Credits

Credits are reset monthly according to the plan (they do not carry over). If you use up all your credits before the next reset date and want to add more credits, you can upgrade your plan to receive additional credits immediately after the upgrade. If you want to add credits with a Premium Plan subscription, please contact us at